Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How to Impose Your Genius Sense of Style on EVERYONE! Even If It Ruins EVERYTHING!

Wouldn't you love to see the lovely rendering on the cover of the blueprints?  With probably one or two architectonic stick-figures walking their architectonic stick-dog on a leash?   All of them as flat and feature-free as this building itself, so as to properly coordinate with The Architect's grand vision?  In which messy three-dimensional humans wouldn't clutter His Building's environment?

Sadly, this strident monstrosity has been hurled into a really vibrant spot.  That's a local branch of the Sorbonne right next to it, with a great library, so loads of people move through it.  And across the street is le Renaissance, a perfectly preserved example of what an elegant bistro on the backside of Montmartre looked like at the turn of the century — the previous turn of the century.
And it buzzes with people, three-dimensional people, and now, as spring arrives and everyone sits outside, they get to look right straight across as this guy's own personal horror-story art statement, this uninhabitable shoebox, this prison-windowed incarceration center.  Hey, thanks, fella!  What was your name again?  Mind if we get your phone number?  

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