Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Isn't Irony Just The Greatest?

See that upper part, the flap? The folded-back flap part?

If you weren't such a philistine, such a aesthetic nincompoop, you'd understand that the flap-part, was intended to be ironic. Duh!   It wasn't a fuck-up whatsoever!  He meant to do that!  It was in the plans and everything!

Gosh, when I live in a building, when I look for what makes a building really liveable and lovable, and how it helps the neighborhood it lives in, the first thing I always consider is irony. 

It's just like with friends — you know that guy who used to be your friend back in your first year of college?  And how he never said anything, nothing whatsoever, that wasn't drenched in irony? And remember how you kind of got sick of him after a while, after about a month or so, and realized how incredibly shallow and lame he was, and how he was afraid to have any soul, or any real guts of his own?  

Ok, well imagine if he'd been planted, permanently, in a really prominent spot in your neighborhood, right up against the sidewalk,  where you had to walk by him and see him and listen to him be a irony-spewing wiseass every day.  Forever.

Gosh, I wonder what this architect sounds like when you talk to him...?

1 comment:

  1. Check out that lamp post! So suitable, so Sorbonne-esque, for architectural swingin'...! Maybe we could get Mussolini's son to play jazz piano, and have a catered could be a block party....!
